(社説)丸川環境相 撤回しても残る「軽さ」
EDITORIAL: Marukawa’s gaffe about Fukushima heightens doubts about Cabinet's aptitude
Environment Minister Tamayo Marukawa caused a stir by claiming the government had no scientific grounds for its radiation decontamination target around the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.
Her comment came in a Feb. 7 speech on the government’s long-term goal of reducing radiation levels near the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant to an annual dose of 1 millisievert or less.
“There are people who worry about radiation no matter how much the levels have been lowered, people who might well be described, appropriately or not, as an ‘anti-radiation camp,’” Marukawa said. “While such people were making noise, the environment minister at that time decided (on the target) without any scientific grounds.”
Her remarks were reported the following day by The Shinano Mainichi Shimbun, a local newspaper.
Decontaminating areas polluted with radioactive materials and curbing additional exposure to radiation is one of the top policy priorities for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Cabinet.
Nearly five years since the nuclear disaster unfolded, decontamination efforts alone appear unlikely to achieve the long-term target in some areas. Residents from these areas have no hope of returning to home soon.
The Democratic Party of Japan-led government set the long-term decontamination goal based on recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The panel recommended annual doses in the range of “1 to 20 millisievert” as a yardstick for recovery from the accident.
The government’s decision to adopt the stricter end of the recommended range for the decontamination target reflected strong demand for absolute safety and security among communities in the affected areas.
Responding to residents’ desire to return home as soon as possible while pursuing the tough long-term goal has proved a formidable challenge.
The goal, determined after considering a complicated mix of factors, has forced the government to continue making strenuous efforts while learning from mistakes.
If Marukawa didn’t know this background, she should be accused of failing to do her homework. Or did she know all these facts and was simply trying to demean the previous DPJ-led government?
Even more troubling is how she flip-flopped in replying to questions about her remark.
The environment minister initially responded to questions posed at the Diet and from reporters by repeatedly saying she had “no recollection of using such wording” in the speech.
On the morning of Feb. 12, however, she changed her account and admitted having made the comments. She retracted the remarks in the evening that day.
Did she really forget making the remarks? Or did she bet that people would eventually forget the matter if she kept saying she had no memory of saying such things?
In any case, Marukawa’s remarks raise serious questions about her aptitude for her job.
However, Marukawa is not the only Cabinet member who has made a verbal blunder indicating a disturbing carelessness in speech.
In a Feb. 9 news conference, Aiko Shimajiri, the state minister for Okinawa and Northern Territories affairs, could not read the kanji characters for the Habomai group of islets, and asked her secretary how the characters should be read. The Habomai islets are part of the Northern Territories, a chain of islands claimed by Japan but occupied by Russia.
Abe himself recently made an embarrassing verbal error.
In an Internet program of his Liberal Democratic Party, Abe misnamed the 2014 Stockholm agreement in which North Korea promised a fresh investigation into the fates of Japanese citizens it had abducted decades earlier. Abe mistakenly called it the Oslo Agreement, a 1993 peace accord between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Nobody is free from slips of the tongue or misunderstandings.
But the above-mentioned errors are serious because dealing with the nuclear disaster, tackling the territorial dispute with Russia and resolving the North Korea abduction issue are important challenges placed high on the Abe Cabinet’s policy agenda.
These gaffes could call into question not only the ministers’ qualifications for their jobs but also the Cabinet’s stances toward the issues.
Govt needs to calmly deal with N. Korea’s halt to abduction probe
拉致再調査中止 「北」の揺さぶりに冷静対処を
North Korea’s latest act is a despicable attempt to pressure our nation. The Japanese government should not be upset by this, and must make persistent efforts to resolve the issue of the Japanese nationals abducted by that country.
North Korea has announced it will completely halt a renewed investigation it launched regarding the fate of Japanese abductees and others in July 2014. It also said it would dissolve the Special Investigation Committee.
According to an announcement by North Korea, the latest move has been taken as a response to the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s strengthening its unilateral sanctions on the country. In the same announcement, North Korea also threatened Japan that it will “continue strong countermeasures to Japan’s provocative acts of hostility.”
North Korea also asserts that Japan’s move to strengthen its sanctions was tantamount to “nullifying” the Stockholm agreement reached in May 2014 to reinvestigate. Japan’s position is that it has no intention to abrogate the accord.
Under the agreement, Japan lifted part of the sanctions it imposed on North Korea in exchange for Pyongyang’s renewed investigation into the fate of the Japanese nationals in question. They include the 12 people who have been acknowledged by the Japanese government as abductees, but have not yet returned to Japan, as well as other Japanese missing and thought have been abducted by North Korean agents.
Japan’s action to reinforce sanctions was in response to North Korea’s recent move to conduct a nuclear test and launch a ballistic missile, thereby threatening regional security. North Korea’s accusations against our nation are absurd.
It should be noted, first of all, that North Korea has put off reporting the pertinent findings of its probe for more than 1½ years, including what has become of those who were abducted. Although North Korea told Japan that it “has set up four subcommittees” on the committee, it is doubtful whether the country has actually seriously renewed its investigations into the abductions.
World must step up pressure
North Korea’s conduct has been particularly hard on the abductees’ families, who had pinned their hopes on the renewed probe.
Shutting its eyes to its own atrocities, Pyongyang has blamed the whole problem on Japan. Its assertions are totally unacceptable.
The Japanese government has lodged a protest with North Korea through diplomatic channels. Katsunobu Kato, the minister in charge of the abduction issue, has emphasized that he wants to “do [his] utmost to get North Korea to take specific actions, through dialogue and pressure and under the principle of action for action.” He had every reason to strongly demand Pyongyang continue its reinvestigation into the abduction issue.
North Korea has sought to gain greater rewards for fewer concessions by providing various pieces of scattered information. This approach is the country’s usual ploy. The Japanese government should never be cajoled into following North Korea’s lead on bilateral negotiations.
North Korea’s announcement on its suspension of the renewed probe may also be viewed as an attempt to disrupt Japan’s cooperative ties with the United States and South Korea by focusing on a problem unique to our nation.
Japan’s basic policy is to seek a comprehensive solution to both the abduction issue and North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missile development. This is the time for Japan to cooperate with the international community to step up pressure on North Korea to rein in its dangerous acts of provocation.
South Korea has imposed a unilateral sanction on the North by shutting down operations at the Kaesong industrial complex, an inter-Korea cooperative project. The United States is also set to strengthen its economic sanctions on North Korea.
As in the past, it is important for Japan, the United States and South Korea to closely cooperate with each other. The emphasis should be put on ensuring that the U.N. Security Council soon adopts additional stern sanctions on North Korea.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 14, 2016)
Can consensus be achieved through LDP’s lower house electoral reform plan?
衆院選制度改革 自民党案で合意形成できるか
The electoral system is the foundation of democracy. It is desirable that the system is reformed based on a broad consensus among the ruling and opposition parties. However, a draft plan proposed by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party looks unlikely to win the understanding of other parties.
According to the draft plan on reforming the House of Representatives electoral system compiled by the LDP, only demarcation of single-seat constituencies would be reviewed based on simplified censuses conducted in 2015, while the number of seats allocated to prefectures would be maintained, to reduce vote-value disparities to less than 2 to 1.
The LDP draft plan also says the reduction of lower house seats and the review of their allocation to prefectures would be postponed until after full censuses are conducted in 2020. The LDP proposes eliminating six seats in single-seat constituencies and four in proportional representation blocs, but details on how to allocate the number of seats to prefectures — which is the most important point — are still unclear.
The LDP claims its draft plan is based on a report submitted by a research panel of experts on lower house electoral system reform, but the party seems to lack sincerity.
The panel says in its report that the Adams’ method should be used to reallocate lower house seats to prefectures. According to the report, this would increase the number of seats allocated to Tokyo and four prefectures by seven in total, while 13 prefectures would lose one seat each. Even if population changes in the future are taken into consideration, the vote-value disparity is expected to be less than 2 to 1 for a while.
Compared to other major allocation methods, the Adams’ method is said to be advantageous to less-populated prefectures. The LDP is critical of the panel’s report for being harsh on provincial regions. However, it certainly pays due consideration to them.
In the report, redrawing electoral districts at the time of simplified censuses is considered merely a supplementary measure for the correction of the number of lower house seats to be done every 10 years.
Respect panel’s report
The LDP’s draft plan, which would change demarcation of constituencies first, cannot help but give the impression that the party has employed only parts of the report for its own convenience. Doesn’t the LDP, in its heart of hearts, only want to avoid opposition from incumbent lawmakers whose constituencies are in prefectures where lower house seats might be reduced?
A major problem with the LDP’s draft plan is that electoral districts would have to be redrawn widely twice — this time, and five years from now.
If demarcation of constituencies is changed often, it could damage the stability of the electoral system. It would also weaken relations between voters and lawmakers or candidates.
Since the LDP failed to reach an agreement on an electoral reform plan in its negotiations with the other parties in the first place, didn’t the party decide to let experts discuss the issue and pledge to respect their report?
Of course, as the report expresses doubt about the necessity to reduce the number of lower house seats, there is some room for discussion on that point. However, it is unreasonable not to accept the Adams’ method, a basic part of the report, and postpone fundamental reform for as long as five years.
Some members of the main opposition Democratic Party of Japan have already voiced criticism about the LDP plan, calling it “out of the question.”
Transition to a new electoral system will require revision of the Public Offices Election Law and other relevant laws, and reviewing the demarcation of electoral districts.
The LDP, which is far more powerful than any of the other parties in the lower house, bears the grave responsibility of leading discussions on electoral system reform. The party must refine its draft plan, rising above party interests and strategy.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 13, 2016)
1st detection of gravitational waves opens new window to universe
「重力波」初観測 宇宙への新しい窓が開いた
It is highly significant that a new observation method has been acquired to unravel the mysteries of the universe.
A research team that includes the California Institute of Technology has announced it detected gravitational waves from the universe.
Albert Einstein hypothesized the existence of gravitational waves a century ago based on his theory of general relativity.
According to Einstein’s theory, celestial bodies like black holes, which have a huge mass, would warp space-time around them. If such bodies collided, the warp would spread like ripples.
The research team believes the gravitational waves it detected were generated 1.3 billion light years from Earth when two black holes merged.
Celestial bodies with a large mass could not be observed directly by the electromagnetic waves — such as light, radio waves and X-rays — that have been conventionally used in astronomy.
The mass and internal conditions of stars can be inferred by observing gravitational waves. The findings may lead to elucidating such mysteries as how black holes whose nature has not been fully understood are created and how they inflate.
Gravitational waves are said to have been generated in the huge expansion of space that occurred right after the Big Bang, which created the cosmos, and the same ripples are said to still exist in space even today. The detection of such ripples may become reality.
Hopes for KAGRA project
The U.S. team’s landmark discovery has been supported by high-precision observation equipment.
The coherence of laser beams was used to measure the warps. Laser beams were sent through two pipes, each measuring four kilometers long, to detect warps of space-time caused by gravitational waves.
The measured warps were only one-ten quadrillionth of a millimeter. Vibration control equipment was installed to prevent the observation from being affected by vibrations caused by wind, sea waves and road traffic. The team has reportedly looked into all other possibilities to confirm that the observed data represented gravitational waves.
Similar observations have been attempted in Japan and Europe. A gravitational wave telescope named KAGRA, now under construction at the site of a mine in Hida, Gifu Prefecure, will start test operations this spring.
Leading the KAGRA project is Takaaki Kajita, a 2015 Nobel Prize laureate in Physics and the director of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research at the University of Tokyo. Kajita expressed willingness to join international efforts in space observation, saying, “With the participation of KAGRA, the accuracy of observations will improve.”
The U.S. team was able to obtain its results soon after it started observations. Expectations are mounting regarding what discoveries KAGRA will make.
Japan has a long tradition in the field of astrophysics, and has contributed to the observation of neutrinos, thereby developing the science of astronomy.
We also want to see next-generation researchers mature in the field of gravitational wave astronomy.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 13, 2016)
Outsider candidates dominate U.S. presidential race amid public distrust
米大統領選 政治不信が招く非主流派躍進
Candidates outside the mainstream who are rebelling against the establishment have been gaining ground in the race for the Democratic and Republican nominations for president of the United States. The final election will be held in November.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, a strongly left-wing, self-described “democratic socialist,” won the Democratic Party’s primary in New Hampshire over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This marked a difficult start for Clinton, the favored candidate for the party’s nomination, despite her narrow win in the Iowa caucuses.
Real estate tycoon Donald Trump, who has no prior political career, emerged victorious in the Republican Party’s primary in New Hampshire. In Iowa, Trump placed second behind Ted Cruz, a nonmainstream conservative hard-liner.
Indecisive politics continue due to partisan confrontation in Washington. The decline of American influence in the international community is evident. The emergence of these nonmainstream candidates, it may be said, reflects the people’s distrust of and discontent with such developments.
If candidates prevail in early-stage primaries that draw significant media attention, they will be able to gather more campaign funds and support due to the psychological effect of jumping on the bandwagon. The whirlwind set off by the candidates who are standing outside the center of politics will not cease for some time.
Conservatives and liberals have become further polarized under the administration of Democratic President Barack Obama. No national consensus can be found regarding the reform of the medical insurance system, the strengthening of gun control and the process for accepting immigrants.
National consensus illusive
The standard of living for middle- and low-income earners has not improved as their job opportunities decreased due to the transfer of factories to China and other countries, as well as the inflow of immigrants. A sense of unfairness toward the rich has spread among the people.
Of concern is the emergence of a populism that serves to incite amid such a deadlock.
Trump has called for “making America great again” and openly expressed his hostile feelings toward China and Mexico, among other countries. He has even gone so far as to argue for forcible deportation of illegal immigrants and an entry ban on Muslims. Trump is also opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade framework and is calling for huge tax cuts.
Sanders, a champion of “antiestablishment” policies whose signature campaign promise is the correction of economic inequality, has obtained overwhelming support from the young and other voters by proposing to make tuition free at public universities, and dissolve major financial institutions.
But the campaign promises of Trump and Sanders are nothing but extreme arguments with little chance of being realized.
It is hard to understand why Clinton, who had pushed for the TPP pact as a member of the Obama administration, has changed tack to oppose it. Even if it is a temporary strategy for the campaign, we are left with the undeniable impression that she has been drawn into a swirl of populism.
If the candidates only deny the existing political and economic systems and compete to make radical and inward-looking arguments, neither national reconciliation nor the recovery of America’s credibility can be realized. We want to see constructive debate that will contribute to repairing social rifts.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 12, 2016)
Japan should lead push for tough UNSC resolution on North Korea
対「北」独自制裁 厳格な安保理決議の先駆けに
It is important not to ignore the reckless actions repeatedly taken by North Korea and to swiftly implement tough sanctions against that country. Japan should play a leading role in a concerted effort by the international community.
The government held a meeting of the National Security Council on Wednesday, attended by its four ministers, and decided to revive and strengthen its unilateral sanctions against North Korea.
Nuclear tests and the launch of long-range ballistic missiles by North Korea pose direct threats to Japan. It is a matter of course for Japan to have promptly taken harsh measures.
These measures include a ban on the reentry of senior officials of the pro-Pyongyang General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) who have returned home to North Korea, and a ban on entry into Japanese ports by all vessels of North Korean registry, including those on humanitarian missions. All these measures were lifted when Pyongyang began in July 2014 its reinvestigation of Japanese nationals abducted to North Korea or suspected to have been abducted.
Added to the reentry ban are engineers related to nuclear and missile technologies. The government has also gone so far as to ban, in principle, remittances to North Korea.
North Korea has postponed presenting to Japan the results of its reinvestigation into Japanese citizens abducted to that country or suspected to have been abducted. As long as Pyongyang continues making such insincere responses, it is reasonable for Japan to decide to revive and strengthen unilateral sanctions on North Korea, in line with the principle of “action for action.”
Don’t close doors
Actions taken by the North Korean regime under Kim Jong Un have become ever more uncertain.
The Foreign Ministry, the National Police Agency and other government organizations must cooperate closely to ensure the effectiveness of the sanctions. At the same time, the government needs to respond flexibly to North Korea, by not cutting off openings for dialogue, for instance.
The government must adhere to its policy of comprehensively resolving the issues of the Japanese abductees and North Korea’s nuclear and missile development, and deal with them tenaciously.
Needless to say, Japan’s unilateral sanctions alone will only have a limited effect. It is necessary to hasten the establishment of an international coalition network committed to containing North Korea.
South Korea announced Wednesday that it would suspend operations at the joint industrial complex in Kaesong, North Korea, as a unilateral sanction. The move is aimed at reducing the foreign currency earned by Pyongyang, but suspending operations could risk losing a channel for dialogue with North Korea.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held separate phone talks with U.S. President Barack Obama and South Korean President Park Geun-hye. They agreed to cooperate toward the early adoption of a resolution by the U.N. Security Council.
The biggest stumbling block for the UNSC resolution is China’s reluctant posture.
China has been asserting that sanctions on North Korea should be limited to measures related to its nuclear and missile developments, and opposes sanctions that would affect the lives of the public.
Yet this conciliatory stance taken for many years by China has bolstered North Korea, letting Pyongyang conduct nuclear tests and missile launches repeatedly. This time, it is vital to strengthen real pressure on North Korea.
It is important for Japan, the United States and South Korea to unite to urge China to modify its stance.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 11, 2016)
EDITORIAL: BOJ's negative interest rate policy positively ineffective
(社説)長期金利低下 マイナスに潜む不安
The benchmark 10-year Japanese government bond yield on Feb. 9 fell below zero percent on the market for the first time. Is this good news or bad? Many people probably don’t know, but they certainly must be feeling anxious.
In normal transactions, the idea of negative interest rates is absurd.
Just think about it: You lend money to someone and you have to pay interest to the borrower? That’s ridiculous. You are obviously better off not lending to anyone because you at least won’t lose any money.
The ridiculous situation surrounding Japanese government bonds was caused by the Bank of Japan’s negative interest rate policy announced on Jan. 29.
BOJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda stressed that adding this negative interest rate policy to his already substantial monetary easing policy “should make for probably the most effective framework in the history of the central bank.”
In a sense, the outcome has surpassed Kuroda’s expectations. Mortgage rates, which were already historically low, have come down further, and the near-nonexistent interest rates on time deposits have shrunk even more. Financial institutions have stopped selling low-yield fund products.
But will these developments improve the Japanese economy? We believe the opposite will be the case.
Even if lending rates drop further, it is unlikely that businesses will suddenly start investing more amid sluggish domestic demand. And even if banks further lower interest rates on savings and move on to negative rates, consumers probably will not start spending more so long as their future remains uncertain.
Switzerland and Sweden have already implemented negative interest rate policies, but their economy-pumping effects have been marginal at best. In fact, there are growing fears of “side effects,” such as people keeping their money under the proverbial mattress and banks losing their earnings.
It will soon be three years since Kuroda went ahead with a “new phase” of quantitative and qualitative monetary easing in keeping with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “Abenomics” theory that drastic monetary easing should jump-start the anemic economy.
Although Abenomics has raised stock prices and devalued the yen against the dollar, it has brought no significant changes to the nation’s economic growth rate and consumer prices. Because of this disappointing outcome, the Bank of Japan adopted the negative interest rate policy last month.
On Feb. 9, the Nikkei 225 index fell by more than 900 points, and the yen-dollar exchange rate closed in the lower 114-yen level for the first time in 15 months. These market reactions were the opposite of what all past monetary easing policies brought, and the central bank obviously did not expect this highly irregular outcome.
If this situation continues, the Japanese economy may well become trapped in a vicious cycle of having to rely on further extreme monetary easing, with no relief in sight. An urgent review of the central bank policy is called for.
Abe should find way forward on Northern Territories in talks with Putin
北方領土問題 首脳会談で打開の糸口を探れ
Russia maintains a tough, inflexible position regarding the territorial issue over the northern islands it occupies off Hokkaido. We hope the stalemate will be broken as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe holds more talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Speaking at a national meeting to demand the return of the four islands on Northern Territories Day on Sunday, Abe said, “Negotiations will be conducted tenaciously to work out a final solution through a dialogue of top leaders.”
Arrangements are being made for Abe to meet with Putin in the southern Russian city of Sochi during the extended holiday period from late April to early May. Tokyo and Moscow will also attempt to determine the most appropriate time for Putin to visit Japan.
Putin’s decision on the matter is indispensable to resolving the territorial issue. Abe’s desire to seek a solution by visiting Russia is therefore understandable.
But opposition can be expected from the United States and some European countries, which are at odds with Russia over the Ukrainian situation. To realize Abe’s visit to Russia ahead of the Ise-Shima summit of the Group of Seven major powers, which will be chaired by Abe, it is essential to secure the understanding of the other G-7 leaders.
Last month, the government established a new representative post on bilateral issues with Russia and appointed Chikahito Harada, former ambassador to Russia. Harada will represent Japan at vice-ministerial meetings with Russia instead of a deputy minister for foreign affairs. The appointment is believed to be aimed at more intensively tackling the territorial issue by establishing a task force for that purpose.
Abe apparently wants to bolster security relations with Russia, thereby checking China’s increased maritime advancement and North Korea’s nuclear and missile development.
No ‘token of goodwill’
Russia is also wary over China’s emergence. Due to the drop in crude oil prices and the weakness of the ruble, Russia’s economy has continued to deteriorate, with its gross domestic product falling to less than one-fourth of China’s. Some people have expressed concern about the widening gap in strength between the two countries.
Whether Moscow concurs with Tokyo about the importance of improving bilateral relations in Russia’s rivalry with Beijing could be a factor in making progress on the territorial issue.
A statement made by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov during a news conference in late January cannot be overlooked. “Conclusion of a peace treaty is not a synonym for resolution of the territorial issue,” he said bluntly.
Concerning the return of the Habomai group of islets and Shikokan Island, based on the Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration of 1956, Lavrov said these islands “would be handed over as a token of goodwill, not returned.”
But since the 1993 Tokyo Declaration on Japan-Russia Relations, both governments have confirmed repeatedly that they would try “to resolve the sovereignty issue over the four islands and conclude a peace treaty.” Thus resolution of the territorial issue and conclusion of a peace treaty are inseparable.
There is no mention of “a token of goodwill” in the Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration. Lavrov’s self-serving interpretation cannot be accepted.
While attempting to explore the real intention behind Putin’s reference to resolving the territorial dispute “in a draw,” the government must proceed with negotiations prudently and strategically.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 9, 2016)
North Korea missile launch needs strong UNSC response
北ミサイル発射 地域の安定を揺るがす暴挙だ
North Korea’s latest missile launch has further increased the threat from that country, which is shaking the regional peace and stability. The international community must unite in its efforts to deal with the threat.
North Korea has gone ahead with launching a long-range ballistic missile under the pretext of orbiting what it described as a “satellite.” It is an absolute folly.
In an “important special broadcast,” state-run Korean Central Television announced that the country had launched an Earth observation satellite and successfully put it into orbit.
U.N. Security Council resolutions previously adopted over North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missile development prohibit Pyongyang from any launch using ballistic missile technology. The country’s latest missile launch, along with January’s nuclear test, was a clear violation of the resolutions.
Increasing concern
North Korea’s repeated reckless conducts, which pose a serious challenge to the international order, cannot be tolerated. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had every reason to emphasize his determination, saying, “We will resolutely take measures, acting in cooperation with the international community.”
The missile recently launched by North Korea is believed to have been a three-stage ballistic missile similar to an improved version of the Taepodong 2 missile, a model the country sent aloft in December 2012. According to observations by the U.S. authorities, an object detached from the missile is believed to have circled the Earth.
The fact that it reached outer space like in 2012, illustrates advancement in that nation’s missile technology. Some point out North Korea’s extension of a launchpad last year was part of an effort to increase the size of its missiles, thereby extend the range.
North Korea’s effort to develop missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and reaching the U.S. mainland is aimed at bringing the United States to the negotiating table.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, is inexperienced and rules his country through a reign of terror in which close aides are purged one after another. We feel the latest missile launch shows he has become even more incapable of making reasonable decisions.
The U.N. Security Council is to discuss the latest missile launch at an emergency meeting. It is essential for the council to hammer out effective measures. Japan, a nonpermanent member of the council, needs to proactively work to encourage other members of the U.N. organ to adopt strong sanctions against North Korea.
China’s responsibility
The problem is that China, which holds a lifeline that can determine whether North Korea can survive economically, remains cautious about strengthening sanctions. Although Beijing said North Korea’s missile launch was “regrettable,” it avoided any strong denunciation of Pyongyang.
Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke by phone with U.S. President Barack Obama two days before the missile launch and confirmed the need for a coordinated response to North Korea’s actions.
Yet Xi insisted only on a solution through dialogue and consultation, indicating that it will not compromise with the United States, which called for stronger sanctions.
China’s lukewarm posture may have bolstered North Korea. Shortly after the U.S.-China phone conversation, North Korea notified an international organization that it was bringing forward the start of the window during which it would launch a rocket.
North Korea has repeatedly conducted nuclear tests and missile launches. It is obvious that previous sanctions are not sufficient.
China should no longer avoid imposing sanctions on North Korea, which would deal a blow to Pyongyang, and should cooperate with the U.N. Security Council to adopt strong sanctions.
In criticizing the launch, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said North Korea is trying to advance its nuclear technology and missile capability to deliver a nuclear weapon.
The South Korean government announced that it would begin official talks with the United States to deploy one of the most advanced U.S. missile defense systems in South Korea. Seoul’s decision, made in disregard of China’s opposition, can be construed as a decision to modify its tilt toward China.
North Korea is said to have deployed a large number of Rodong ballistic missiles that can reach Japan. If North Korea improves the accuracy of the missiles, they will, together with the country’s ability to develop smaller nuclear weapons, pose a more serious threat to Japan.
Immediately after the missile launch, the Japanese government held a meeting of the National Security Council attended by its four ministers, to analyze intelligence and discuss what actions should be taken in the days ahead.
Three minutes after the missile launch, the government reported the relevant information to local governments in Okinawa Prefecture and others, through the J-Alert instant warning system. The smooth transmission of this information was praiseworthy.
Bolster crisis control
Although the Self-Defense Forces had been ordered to intercept any incoming missiles from North Korea, no measures to intercept were taken, as the SDF judged that there was no possibility of the missile falling onto Japanese territory.
It was appropriate that the SDF, by responding promptly to North Korea’s advancing the start of the window for launching a rocket, had completed its deployment of the Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) surface-to-air guided missile units and other preparations.
It is essential to examine the latest series of responses and beef up the crisis-management system for the entire country.
North Korea has also postponed its report on the reinvestigation of the abducted Japanese nationals. The government should consider in earnest the revival or reinforcement of its own sanctions that were lifted earlier.
As North Korea has continued taking actions that completely run counter to improving its relations with Japan, this country will implement harsh measures commensurate to the steps taken by North Korea. It is important for this country to adhere to the principle of “action for action.”
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 8, 2016)
Use cultural power to promote migration to provincial areas
地方の未来 移住促進へ文化力を生かそう
The excessive concentration of people and industry in the Tokyo metropolitan area continues. How can we create a flow of people to provincial areas where the population is decreasing?
Attracting people by utilizing their inherent cultures and uncovering alluring features unique to particular areas will be an important consideration.
According to a 2015 population migration report compiled by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, people who moved into the Tokyo metropolitan area numbered nearly 120,000 more than those who had moved out of it. For 20 straight years, the number of people who moved into the metropolitan area exceeded the number of those who moved out.
Among Japan’s three largest urban sprawls, however, more people have left the Osaka and Nagoya areas compared to those who have moved in.
In its comprehensive strategy for “vitalization of local economies,” the government aims to equalize the figures of those moving into and out of the metropolitan area by 2020. However, if nothing is done to change the current situation, it will be impossible to achieve this goal. Genuine efforts must be made to promote the migration of people to provincial areas.
How can the attractions of provincial areas be made to shine and conveyed elsewhere? First, the number of visitors to those areas should be increased by organizing sightseeing, homecoming and migration tours. In addition to migration, the return of people to provincial areas must be carried forward by aiming to realize “residency in two areas” — or the lifestyle of moving back and forth between urban and provincial areas.
The cultural powers rooted in each area should be used. There are various kinds of cultural resources — such as history, cultural property, traditional arts, customs, local cuisine and scenery — but some provincial areas have not yet identified their values.
Discovering hidden assets
Both the public and private sectors should unearth hidden cultural resources and disseminate information about them domestically and internationally in a variety of creative ways, including promotional videos.
Good use should be made of “Japan Heritage,” a system launched last year by the Cultural Affairs Agency.
Under the system, cultural resources scattered in provincial areas that are connected by a “story” are considered heritages. So far, 18 resources have been recognized following applications from local governments.
For example, the Shikoku Henro, straddling 57 municipalities in the Shikoku region, is considered a piece of heritage based on the culture of pilgrimage routes. Akari Mau Hanto Noto (Noto peninsula of dancing lights) is a piece of heritage focusing on the Kiriko Matsuri traditional lantern float festivals handed down in six Ishikawa Prefecture municipalities.
四国の57市町村にまたがる「四国遍路」は、巡礼文化をたどる遺産だ。「灯あかり舞う半島 能登」は石川県の6市町に息づく伝統のキリコ祭りにスポットを当てた。
Such heritages should be developed as tourism resources. They are expected to have the effect of attracting not only Japanese people but also visitors to Japan from abroad.
Local governments must work jointly with local residents to find candidates for Japan Heritage. Such efforts would also help local people create a sense of pride in their regions, and nurture human resources to lead development of those areas.
It is also important to consider the increasing number of vacant houses and retail premises, and abolished school buildings, as assets, and try to reuse them as accommodations and operational bases for migrating workers and other people.
For example, the village of Higashi-Yoshino, Nara Prefecture, renovated a vacant house into a shared office last year. Working conditions in the mountain village became popular via the Internet, and five people have already migrated to work there.
According to a survey by the Cabinet Office, nearly 40 percent of urban residents in their 20s indicated that they wish to settle down in farming, fishing or mountain villages. The attractions of working in traditional village culture should be presented to young people wishing to live outside of urban areas to entice them into provincial areas.
The government should place importance on vitalization of local economies with cultural power. We expect the central government to help local governments tap their cultural resources and connect such efforts to a correction of the excessive concentration of people and industry in the metropolitan area.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 6, 2016)
EDITORIAL: Abe’s perverse argument for rewriting Constitution
(社説)首相の改憲論 あまりの倒錯に驚く
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been aggressively signaling his eagerness to rewrite the Constitution, which potentially includes the revision of its war-renouncing Article 9.
He is apparently hoping to pave the way for realizing his long-cherished dream ahead of the Upper House election to be held in summer. His reasoning, however, is strikingly perverse.
Seventy percent of constitutional scholars have judged that, in light of the interpretation of Article 9, the very presence of the Self-Defense Forces may violate the Constitution, the prime minister told a session of the Lower House Budget Committee. “There is a prevailing belief that this situation must be eliminated.”
He made the remark in reply to a question from his close aide Tomomi Inada, chairwoman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s Policy Research Council, who said, “Constitutionalism is being emasculated somewhat by leaving Paragraph 2 of Article 9, which no longer fits reality, intact.”
In an Asahi Shimbun survey of constitutional scholars last year, 63 percent of the respondents said they believed the presence of SDF troops either “violates” or “may violate” the Constitution. But at the same time, 98 percent of the respondents also pointed out that bills for new security legislation, which the Abe administration had submitted to the Diet after reinterpreting the Constitution to lift Japan’s self-imposed ban on the right to exercise collective self-defense, either “violate” or “may violate” the Constitution.
Abe’s Cabinet overrode the opposition of a majority of constitutional scholars and of the public by overturning the constitutional interpretation of successive Cabinets, which long held the view that Japan was not allowed to exercise the right to collective self-defense.
The right course for Abe would be to retract the security legislation if he takes issue with the disagreement between the existence of SDF troops and the views of scholars. He should also engage in serious soul-searching if he finds fault with constitutionalism being “emasculated.”
“Believing that even a finger should not be laid on the Constitution amounts to abandoning thought,” Abe told a lawmaker of the opposition Democratic Party of Japan, who called Abe’s Diet responses into question, during a separate Diet session. “Instead of doing so, the LDP has presented a draft for amendments,” said the prime minister, who challenged the DPJ to present its own.
Abe simply steamrolled his reinterpretation of the Constitution in circumventing the process of amending it when he had his Cabinet lift the ban on the right to exercise collective self-defense. But he now proudly says his party has “presented a draft for amendments.” How can he be so opportunistic?
The LDP’s draft for an amended Article 9, which explicitly spells out Japan’s self-defense rights, calls for Japan to possess “Defense Forces,” an upgrade from the SDF.
Abe acknowledged, in the meantime, that amending Article 9 has yet to win the support of the public. Asked which part, then, of the Constitution he wants to see amended and exactly how, the prime minister only answered, “Discussions in the Diet and among the public will find a gradual convergence.”
The Constitution is the supreme law to protect the rights of individuals, defend peace and prescribe the status of power and authority. So yes, let the Diet and the public discuss it, including whether it should be amended at all.
But we never embrace an argument for rewriting the Constitution, wherein amendment has become an end in itself instead of what that amendment actually is.
Reselling of disposed food shows safety wasn’t given top priority
廃棄食品横流し 安全優先の意識が欠けている
Food that should have been thrown away has been distributed and ended up on many dining tables. This must be prevented from happening again.
Ichibanya Co., operator of the CoCo Ichibanya curry restaurant chain, had entrusted Daiko, an industrial waste disposal company in Aichi Prefecture, to discard frozen beef cutlets. However, Daiko illegally resold the cutlets, which ended up being sold at supermarkets and retailers.
There were suspicions some of the cutlets had been contaminated by a foreign substance. Daiko’s president reportedly tried to explain his actions by saying, “I succumbed to the temptation of being able to make a profit without spending money to dispose of the food.”
We are extremely concerned by Daiko’s attitude of giving precedence to making a profit by distributing the frozen cutlets, despite fears they could harm the health of consumers.
Daiko sold the cutlets to a noodle maker. At its facilities, the noodle maker was found to be storing 108 kinds of food, including miso and deli items sold at major convenience stores and by food makers. All these items appear to have been bought from Daiko — and were supposed to have been discarded.
Reselling such items had seemingly become a common practice. Police have launched an investigation into what is suspected to be a violation of the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law. We hope the police will quickly trace the distribution channels.
The waste management law obliges operators of waste disposal businesses to submit a report, called a manifest, to companies that produce the waste. The kinds and volumes of waste to be handled, as well as the method of disposal, must be specified in the report. This is meant to give transparency to the flow of industrial waste.
Reducing ‘food loss’
However, Daiko falsely reported to Ichibanya that all the cutlets “had been made into compost.” This shows there are limits to managing industrial waste through these reports.
The Environment Ministry should crack down on such deceitful operators by strengthening its guidance and screening of them, and by reviewing its inspection system of the manifest.
A response by operators who dispose of food will also be important to prevent further wrongdoing.
Since this scandal emerged, Ichibanya has decided it would no longer hand over food for disposal in its original state as a food product. Instead, items will be removed from the wrapping and mixed with other waste food sludge before being entrusted to an operator for disposal. In cases in which waste is discarded in the form of a food product, an Ichibanya employee will accompany the contractor to observe the disposal process until the final phase.
We hope operators that handle food will thoroughly implement such steps.
It must not be forgotten that what is known as “food loss” was behind this incident. Even excluding cases like this one, in which a foreign substance was thought to have contaminated a food product, about 6.4 million tons of food are discarded each year in Japan for various reasons, including the approach of their best-before date.
It can be said that the illegal reselling of food has taken advantage of the habit of discarding food that can still be consumed. The industry must come up with shrewd ways to reduce “food loss.”
Many consumers tend to avoid food nearing its best-buy date, and instead opt for items produced more recently. They need to reconsider their perceptions in this respect.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Feb. 5, 2016)
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