
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Chinese govt continues headlong with self-serving, authoritarian approach
中国全人代閉幕 「独善」と「強権」が進む一方だ

It appears the administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping has further strengthened its self-serving approach to foreign policy, and its authoritarian governance over domestic matters.

China’s National People’s Congress, its equivalent of the Diet, has closed its annual meeting.

At a press conference after the Congress closed, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang was asked about Japan-China ties. He said, “There have been some signs of an improvement in Sino-Japanese ties, but it is not fully established and still fragile.” On issues related to perceptions of history, Li made a request to Japan, saying: “It is important to match one’s words with concrete actions. What I don’t want to see is [the issues] going backwards.”

Earlier this month, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also displayed his distrust of Japan when he said: “On the one hand, the Japanese government and leaders say nice things about wanting to improve relations. On the other hand, they are making trouble for China at every turn.” He then criticized Japan by saying, “This is a typical case of double-dealing.”

These comments probably stemmed from resentment at such factors as Japan’s moves, in tandem with the United States, to check the expansion of China’s effective control of the South China Sea.

However, we think it is China that is being Janus-faced, as it advocates “peaceful development” even while its actions heighten regional tensions. The point China argues is absurd.

According to the U.S. government, Beijing is expected to complete the establishment of military facilities on manmade islands in the South China Sea at the end of this year or early next year.

In a swipe aimed at the United States, Wang said: “China cannot be accused of ‘militarization.’ The label is more suited to some other countries.” But no matter how much the Xi administration uses sophistry, it cannot cover up its military expansion.

Senkaku ruling inappropriate

It is unacceptable that the Supreme People’s Court (China’s Supreme Court), in a report to the Congress, insisted China had demonstrated “jurisdiction” over waters around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture. It said a Chinese maritime court had mediated a case involving a collision between a Chinese fishing vessel and a Panama-registered freighter in September 2014.

While this aimed to raise the issue of territorial sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands, the collision actually happened outside the territorial waters of the islands, so China’s standpoint has no foundation. The Japanese government rightly lodged a protest.

The National People’s Congress also adopted a new five-year plan for economic and social development. Worryingly, a chapter titled “building a national security system” that was added to this blueprint included steps to strengthen the monitoring of opinions expressed on the Internet.

Since the Xi administration was launched, it has stepped up its oppression of human rights lawyers and nongovernmental organizations. It is certain that censorship, such as tighter controls on the media, will be further strengthened in the name of this “national security system.”

The ruling administration’s anxiety over the economic slowdown also is behind its moves to strengthen its control. The string of speakers at the Congress voicing concern over overseas shopping sprees by Chinese was probably another indication of this.

Even if China tries to suppress dissenting opinions by force, its image as an anachronism will only spread through the international community.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 18, 2016)
2016/03/19(土) 07:08 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Incendiary language by a presidential candidate invites divisiveness in U.S.
米大統領選 煽動的言辞が招く社会の亀裂

Primary elections were held in five U.S. states, including Florida, as candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties chase the nomination to contest the presidential election in November. More than 60 percent of Republican Party delegates have been decided. The party’s race has passed the halfway mark.

Real estate mogul Donald Trump maintained the lead for the Republican nomination. Hard-line conservative Sen. Ted Cruz remains behind in second place. While Trump has kept his dominance in the race, some forecasts suggest he will fall short of the majority of delegates needed to assure him the nomination. It is too early to tell what will happen.

Mainstream candidate Sen. Marco Rubio lost in his home state of Florida and announced his withdrawal from the race. John Kasich picked up his first victory in Ohio, where he is the governor. Some pundits believe “anti-Trump” votes flocked to him.

This likely reflected widening efforts among mainstream Republicans to cooperate to halt Trump’s momentum. They have been concerned by Trump’s frequent off-color remarks.

Some prominent figures responsible for policies within the Republican Party have even suggested a preference for former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is increasingly likely to be the Democratic nominee.

Disturbingly, violent incidents have been occurring at Trump’s rallies. As a black audience member who had criticized Trump was being led from a venue, he was punched by a white man in the crowd. Trump himself has ordered protesters to be removed, and lashed out with comments such as they “should have been roughed up.”

A Trump campaign rally was even canceled due to the impact of protest activities by African-Americans and Latinos.

Japan under fire

The main cause of these confrontations has been Trump’s “pledges,” which could be interpreted as racial discrimination. These include his call to deport all illegal immigrants living in the United States, and to ban all Muslims from entering the country.

There are a myriad of problems with Trump’s method of boosting his support by branding opposition forces as the enemy to stir up confrontation. People from a diverse variety of races, religions and beliefs coexist in the United States. His comments are fueling feuds between these groups and deepening divisiveness in U.S. society.

The senior leadership of the Republican Party bears a heavy responsibility for these developments. Within the party, a conservative hard-line element, which seeks to minimize the role of the government by largely reducing tax for the wealthy and cutting social security spending, is gaining strength. The mainstream element has been unable to stop this movement, and what is effectively a split inside the party has been left as it is.

By painting himself as an outsider, Trump has exploited this confusion and broadened his support among the moderate element of the party and political independents. He has suggested policies including limiting the scope of tax cuts for the wealthy to make his candidacy more acceptable to middle-income earners.

Regarding the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, Trump has declared it is unfair that the pact unilaterally obliges the United States to defend Japan and also calls on Japan to accept more of the burden. On the North Korea’s nuclear issue, he stated Washington does not need to lead.

For Japan, Trump-mania cannot be simply overlooked.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 17, 2016)
2016/03/18(金) 09:00 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Artificial intelligence: Use it well for a society where humans can thrive
人工知能 上手に使って住み良い社会に

The recent feat achieved by AlphaGo was a marvel of striking progress in artificial intelligence (AI) technology.
AlphaGo, an AI-based computer program developed by a British corporation under the umbrella of Google Inc. of the United States, has won against the world’s top Go player, South Korea’s Lee Se Dol, 4-1.

Previously, AI programs had defeated skilled human players in the fields of chess and shogi. However, it was said that it would take 10 years to see an AI system win against human players in the world of Go.

It was cited as a high hurdle that the surface of a Go board is broad, and that there are an immeasurable number of choices for moves to be made in playing a match.

No wonder Japan’s top master of Go, Yuta Iyama, described AlphaGo’s victory as “shocking.”

AlphaGo is able to learn on its own which are the best moves to make in playing a game. The program has read about 30 million images depicting the stages of development in games played by professional and other players. Then it has learned what kinds of patterns are preferred at which stages of development in a game, giving itself a better chance of winning. This has made AlphaGo ever more highly skilled in playing a match.

That approach, called “deep learning,” is one of the state-of-the-art AI theories. To put its victory in a human context, AlphaGo has developed “taikyokukan” (broad-based perspective).

AI technology has already been put to practical use, such as in image searches. It may be possible that the spread of more advanced AI technology could greatly change our day-to-day life. There also are concerns that the technology could take over clerical work carried out by humans.

It is necessary to live with AI technology and make good use of it.

Myriad potential benefits

The self-driving car system is designed to prevent accidents by perceiving vehicles and pedestrians around an autonomous car and predicting how they would move.

The use of diagnostic imaging technology will increase the probability of detecting cancer cells. It will also make it possible to predict how the condition of a cancer patient would develop, thereby enabling the patient to receive appropriate treatment.

Progress is being made in developing the technology to instantly distribute to smartphones information about which route should be taken in evacuating at the time of tsunami and other disasters.

We hope the public and private sectors will join hands in fully tapping into the advantages of AI technology.

In the United States, Google, IBM and others are fiercely competing with each other in applying AI technology to the analysis of big data, the development of pharmaceutical products and for other purposes.

It is disturbing to see that the presence of Japanese corporations is weak in this respect. Because of budgetary constraints and other reasons, these companies have hardly been able to apply their research results to the commercialization of products. Research papers originating in Japan account for a slumping 2 percent to 3 percent of those submitted from around the world.

It is necessary to quickly nurture young researchers and engineers in this country.

The main pillar of the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan, finalized by the government at a Cabinet meeting in January, is to realize “a supersmart society” through the use of AI technology.

If robotics technology, Japan’s field of expertise, is combined with AI, a mix of these technologies could be expected to make up for labor shortages in a society whose population is decreasing.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 16, 2016)
2016/03/17(木) 09:08 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Plans to revive areas hit by N-disaster must cover population decline problem
福島の住民帰還 人口減に備える地域再生策を

Even though five years have passed since the disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant occurred, nearly 100,000 people from Fukushima Prefecture continue to live as evacuees both in and outside the prefecture.

The government plans to lift by March 2017 the evacuation orders for areas where residence is restricted — excluding those that are designated as difficult-to-return zones because of extremely high levels of radiation — as well as areas where preparations are being made for the lifting of evacuation orders.

How the blueprints for regional rejuvenation should be drawn up with evacuees’ return home in mind is a major challenge facing the municipalities concerned.

One headache in this regard is that lifting the evacuation orders will not necessarily lead to the return of evacuees. In the case of Naraha, from which the entire population was evacuated, only 6 percent of the town’s former residents have returned their home bases since the orders were lifted last September.

According to a survey of the residents’ opinions conducted in January by the Reconstruction Agency and other entities, those who said they would resume living in the town totaled slightly more than 50 percent of respondents, including those who have already returned.

In regard to the towns of Futaba and Okuma, most of which are in difficult-to-return zones where the prospects for lifting the evacuation orders are not in sight, only around 10 percent of respondents expressed intentions to return. Those who answered “not returning” accounted for 50 percent to 60 percent.

Population declines in every municipality will be unavoidable even after the evacuation orders are lifted.

The percentage of those who want to return is higher among elderly people. First of all, preparations to resume operations at core hospitals must be accelerated. Four of these hospitals located in Futaba county, comprising Naraha and seven other municipalities, have had their operations suspended.

Wider cooperation crucial

It is also essential to improve public transportation systems, which are needed for hospital visits and shopping.

Service continues to be partially suspended on the JR Joban Line. Bus services remain suspended on many regular routes in disaster-affected areas. It will also be necessary to restructure the traffic network connecting municipalities around the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant with other cities in the prefecture, including Fukushima, Koriyama and Iwaki.

If regional revival is undertaken by each municipality on an individual basis, there are limits to what can be achieved. The municipalities should push ahead with reconstructing the entire region through efforts that reach beyond the boundaries of municipalities.

Many disaster-affected municipalities are aiming to establish compact towns where administrative offices and commercial, medical and welfare facilities are concentrated. It may be an idea for municipalities to cooperate in working out plans on community building.

If functions necessary to improve residents’ livelihoods are provided through the cooperation of municipalities, their fiscal burdens will be reduced. It is also important for the national and prefectural governments to coordinate measures adequately.

To entice younger generations to return, job opportunities must be available. Government support is needed to attract businesses to the region.

The envisaged “Innovation Coast” — to concentrate research facilities and corporate entities related to the decommissioning of damaged reactors along the coastal area — is expected to lead to job creation and an inflow of new residents. We want to see this innovation steadily put into place with the government taking the initiative.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 15, 2016)
2016/03/16(水) 08:21 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 13
EDITORIAL: Take a close look at reality before touting ‘women’s active roles’
(社説)女性の活躍 現実に目を向けてこそ

One anonymous blog has underscored the serious issue of children on waiting lists for nursery schools, along with the lack of understanding on the part of political leaders.
Titled “Hoikuen Ochita Nihon Shine!!!” (My kid was rejected by a nursery school. Go to hell, Japan!!!), the blog was posted in mid-February by a mother whose child had failed to gain admission into a nursery school.

She used harsh language to vent her anger, saying things such as, “What about a ‘society in which all citizens are dynamically engaged?’” and "I’ll have to quit my job.”
A “society in which all citizens are dynamically engaged” is one of the key slogans of the Abe administration.

When an opposition lawmaker raised the subject during Diet debate, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe cited the anonymity of the posting in replying to her and said, “I have no way to confirm the story, including whether it really took place.”

Lawmakers of the ruling bloc heckled the opposition lawmaker, with one shouting, “Bring the one who wrote it!”

Members of the public who shared similar problems and anxieties reacted furiously to these verbal exchanges. They staged protests in front of the Diet building and collected signatures for a petition calling for a more extensive child-care system.

The government and the ruling parties were taken aback by the development, and began hastily discussing new measures for reducing the number of children on waiting lists--so goes, in brief, the story to date.

The response of political leaders has been particularly poor. While one ruling Liberal Democratic Party official has stated that the initial response was wrong, the story is much more than that of a “wrong” reaction. One has to say that a lack of understanding of how serious the current situation is has come to light.

The question of children on waiting lists is posing a serious problem for every household facing it, as mothers in some families are eager to stay in their current jobs, whereas other families need dual incomes to maintain their standards of living. The blog caught on with a broad audience, and many citizens lashed out against the administration, probably out of a strong resentment of the issue that has failed to improve over the years.

The government and the ruling parties should take that squarely to heart.

Abe has formulated such slogans as “women’s active roles” and a “society where all women shine.” One has to ask, however, if there really is an environment for making that happen. The dearth of child-care services is not the only factor that is keeping women from playing “active roles.”

The U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women issued a recommendation earlier this month to the Japanese government.

The unflattering document, which said, “The committee’s previous recommendations have not been fully implemented,” once again urged Tokyo, among other things, to develop legal measures for banning and preventing discrimination in employment and to increase the number of women in decision-making positions, such as lawmakers and corporate workers in senior management posts.

Japan ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1985. The Basic Law for Gender-Equal Society took effect in 1999. More women are working, but wage gaps between men and women are continuing to widen, in part because many female workers are employed on a nonregular basis.

Men’s participation in child care and in nursing care for the elderly is still low, and there remains a deep-rooted perception among the public that men and women are supposed to assume different roles. The latest Gender Gap Index report of the World Economic Forum put Japan in 101st place, in the lower rung of the ranking, as usual.

Political leaders should first look squarely at reality if they are to ever talk of “women’s active roles.”
2016/03/15(火) 08:39 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Eurozone economic recovery based just on monetary easing will be fragile
ECB追加緩和 金融政策頼みだけでは危うい

Monetary easing alone will not be able to eradicate concerns about deflation and realize a full economic recovery in the eurozone. Other steps will be essential, including expanding public investment and undertaking structural reforms to boost the economy’s growth potential.

The European Central Bank has decided on a comprehensive, additional monetary-easing policy that exceeded market expectations.

The ECB will lower the rate of interest paid when private banks deposit surplus funds at the central bank from the current minus 0.3 percent to minus 0.4 percent.

In addition, the ECB will expand its quantitative easing program, which pours capital into the markets. This program, which includes buying government bonds, will be boosted from €60 billion a month to €80 billion (about ¥10 trillion) a month.

The eurozone is on the brink of tumbling into deflation. Sluggish crude oil prices and other factors pushed the single-currency bloc’s February rate of consumer price increases into negative territory for the first time in five months.

Concerns are growing that the eurozone could see low economic growth over an extended period due to a decline in production and exports accompanying a slowdown in China and other emerging economies.

The ECB’s aim of attempting to underpin the economy by launching another wave of monetary easing to dig up demand for capital among companies and individuals is appropriate.

In the markets, the additional easing was welcomed in some quarters, which sent shares up and the euro down against the dollar. However, before long, share prices dipped and the euro strengthened again.

Risks of easy money

At a press conference, ECB President Mario Draghi stated, “We don’t expect that it will be necessary to reduce rates further.” This comment was made to dash market expectations for further easing.

We think this symbolizes the extent to which the eurozone economy has become dependent on monetary easing.

If the ECB continues to push interest rates deeper into negative territory, it runs the risk of worsening side effects such as weakening banks’ earnings and causing real estate prices to soar as money freed up by the easing pours into this sector.

Germany and other nations that oppose purchasing massive volumes of government bonds may strengthen their opposition to the plan, leading to the unraveling of the unity among euro nations and heightening the risk of sparking turmoil in the markets.

A recovery of Europe’s economy that relies only on monetary policies will be fragile. As was confirmed during February’s meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of the Group of 20 major economies, each European country should be using every policy at its disposal, such as devising growth strategies and fiscal stimulus packages.

In southern European nations, where unemployment levels remain high, labor market reforms and other steps to improve mobility in employment will be vital.

We hope Germany, which has the financial wherewithal to do so, will embark on a program to increase government expenditures to stimulate the economy and pull growth along.

Another urgent task is restoring the health of the financial system by accelerating efforts by each bank in Europe to dispose of nonperforming loans.

While Europe and Japan continue their monetary easing, the United States is searching for an opportunity to raise interest rates again. Financial authorities in each nation must exercise great care to ensure sudden currency flows seeking to take advantage of differences in the direction of their policies do not throw the markets into confusion.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 13, 2016)
2016/03/14(月) 08:28 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Giants must work toward ensuring self-discipline on part of players
巨人野球賭博 選手の規律順守を徹底したい

Pitcher Kyosuke Takagi of the Yomiuri Giants has admitted his involvement in gambling on Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) games. He is the latest Giants player to admit betting on ball games, following three other pitchers who were suspended by NPB last November for an indefinite period.

The Giants have made all-out efforts to regain confidence lost over the gambling scandal. It is extremely regrettable that the latest revelation came out shortly before the pennant race begins, betraying baseball fans again. The club’s president, Hiroshi Kubo, apologized at a news conference, saying, “I couldn’t regret this any more than I do.”

The club has filed a complaint against Takagi with NPB Commissioner Katsuhiko Kumazaki. Appropriate disciplinary action will be handed down following the NPB’s investigations.

To take the responsibility for a series of gambling scandals, Giants owner Kojiro Shiraishi, Chairman Tsunekazu Momoi and Executive Adviser Tsuneo Watanabe have resigned. Shoichi Oikawa, executive adviser of The Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings, will succeed Shiraishi as the club’s owner.

“I deeply apologize to all baseball fans,” Oikawa said. “I would like to regain the trust of the public as soon as possible.”

Lawyer Noboru Matsuda, who has served in such positions as chief of the special investigation squad of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, has assumed the post of acting owner. We want him to help the team strengthen its discipline.

Bolster instruction programs

Takagi bet on eight or nine professional baseball games from April to May in 2014 at the inducement of Shoki Kasahara, who was disqualified indefinitely. Takagi bet against a restaurateur who is an acquaintance of Kasahara. NPB investigations determined that the man habitually bets on baseball games.

Takagi’s acts obviously violate the article of the Nippon Professional Baseball Agreement that bans betting on baseball games. He bowed at a press conference, saying, “I am very sorry for betraying the confidence of the people concerned.”

In hearings conducted by the club, questioning all Giants players, Takagi denied involvement in gambling on ball games. The restaurateur in question did not comply with the club’s request for cooperation in the investigation.

The probe by the club, which has no investigatory power, could have its own limits. But the fact remains that the club could not uncover Takagi’s involvement when the wrongdoing by the other three players came to light. It cannot be helped if the club is criticized, in hindsight, for failing to conduct a thorough probe.

Kazuhiro Kiyohara, who once played with the Giants, has been indicted on charges of possessing stimulant drugs.

Children look up to pro baseball players. If they commit wrongdoing, it will have a big social impact. Fully aware of the heavy responsibility they bear, they need to exercise self-discipline throughout their careers and even after retirement.

The Giants must bolster instruction of their players through seminars and other programs.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 12, 2016)
2016/03/13(日) 07:24 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 11
EDITORIAL: The voices from Tohoku must be heard 5 years after the disaster
(社説)震災から5年 心は一つ、じゃない世界で

Exactly five years have passed since March 11, 2011, when Japan was struck by what has been described as the biggest postwar national crisis.
On that day, the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami ravaged wide areas in the northeastern Tohoku region and triggered the meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Reconstruction work is continuing in coastal areas of Miyagi and Iwate prefectures. Many residents are still struggling to rebuild their shattered livelihoods.

Around 170,000 people, mainly residents in Fukushima Prefecture, are living away from their homes as evacuees.

People in the affected areas are still reeling from the aftermath and fallout of the devastating natural disasters and the harrowing nuclear accident.

But how many people in other parts of the nation far from the stricken areas truly understand the harsh realities in communities battered by the disasters?


Immediately after the disasters occurred, everybody’s heart went out to people in the affected areas. Many Japanese talked about “mutual support” and the “ties” that bound them with the victims. The kanji for “kizuna,” meaning “human bonds,” was chosen as the Chinese character that most powerfully symbolized the year.

But we now wonder if all of the sympathetic feelings expressed back then were genuine. In the disaster-stricken areas, many people are lamenting the growing psychological distance with the rest of Japan.
Various emotionally charged issues have divided communities in the affected areas.

They include forcing residents to leave the places where they have lived for a long time, and constructing levees that separate the land from the sea, which has supported their livelihoods.

Debates over whether to preserve or remove remnants of buildings destroyed by the disasters have raised complicated feelings: a desire to forget what happened mixed with a determination to never forget.

Such divisions threaten to destroy harmony among community members. The problem is most acutely felt in Fukushima Prefecture.

Disputes over the effects of radiation have shaken residents’ values and judgments. The problem has been compounded by the fact that Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the Fukushima No. 1 plant, paid different amounts of compensation to victims based on radiation levels in their areas.
Families and communities have been split into opposing groups.

Some residents are working hard to repair the severed ties, and a variety of efforts are under way to heal wounded communities. They include a program to guide visitors to deserted towns and a project to provide information about Fukushima to people who voluntarily fled their communities in the prefecture.

Sachiko Bamba, a resident of Minami-Soma city, has worked with doctors to organize more than 80 study sessions to help citizens learn about radiation.

Her project is driven by the belief that acquiring accurate knowledge about radiation helps people make educated decisions about their futures and assume a positive attitude toward life.

Bamba and other like-minded people are concerned that residents’ struggles to overcome the huge challenges over the past five years remain largely unknown to people in other parts of the nation, creating widening perception gaps.

They still receive questions from people outside Fukushima Prefecture on whether local residents must wear masks when they go out or whether rice produced in Fukushima Prefecture is safe for eating.

The safety of various farm products from Fukushima Prefecture has been confirmed through constant measurements of airborne radiation and human exposure doses as well as continuous efforts to decontaminate polluted areas and check radiation in all foodstuffs.

But people outside the prefecture are not receiving much information about such improvements and progress.

Last year, a man outside Fukushima Prefecture who called himself an anti-nuclear activist criticized a mother for remaining in Koriyama and supposedly exposing her child to health risks. She was deeply disheartened by the simple, inconsiderate and ill-founded argument against living in Fukushima that was based on his opposition to nuclear power.

“How long will this kind of nonsense continue?” she uttered to herself.


It is probably inevitable that differences in perceptions will appear over time between people in the disaster areas and those in the rest of the nation.

To make our society less vulnerable to disasters, however, it is vital to constantly narrow such perception gaps. The positions of people currently struggling with hardships and those who are not may be reversed at any time.

People in Fukushima Prefecture want to share their experiences over the past five years with the outside world. They believe the facts about the divisions caused by the nuclear disaster and their efforts to overcome them should be part of the lessons learned by the entire nation.

People in the prefecture are continuing their quest to find ways to achieve this goal.

At Futaba Future School, a prefectural high school that opened last spring in the town of Hirono, Fukushima Prefecture, theater is a required course.

The course is taught by reputed playwright Oriza Hirata, who has instructed his students to “express as they are the discrepancies in feelings due to different positions and unsolvable issues.”

At the outset of the course, Hirata told the students: “Let me tell you something. Nobody in the world understands things about Fukushima and you.”

The challenge facing the students is how to communicate their feelings to indifferent people. Tackling this challenge requires them to ask themselves whether they can really imagine the feelings of others.

Bamba of Minami-Soma has also set up a study group to learn from TEPCO executives. She decided to stay in contact with the operator of the crippled nuclear plant to learn more about the company, which is responsible for rebuilding the devastated communities in the prefecture.

In this world, people’s hearts are not one. History is littered with many examples of painful divisions among people, including the cases of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only cities to suffer a nuclear attack, communities afflicted by pollution-caused diseases like Minamata disease, and Okinawa Prefecture, which has been forced to bear an excessive burden of hosting U.S. military bases.

Various areas around this nation have been suffering on their own and fighting the pain caused by misunderstandings and perception gaps. Exchanges are growing between Fukushima Prefecture and other areas grappling with these problems.


If people living in different places and thinking about different issues want to connect with each other, they need to start talking about things that they both do not understand and continue their dialogue.

“A desire to communicate is only born out of an experience of being unable to communicate,” Hirata says. “From this point of view, children in the stricken areas who have experienced the disaster, the mutual help and the divisions have the potential to play leading roles in reconstruction efforts and open up a new future for our society.”

Every Japanese should pay fresh and serious attention--and respond--to the messages people in the affected areas are sending out.
2016/03/12(土) 12:06 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 10
EDITORIAL: Despite utilities’ attempts, nuclear safety myth can never be revived
(社説)原発事故から5年 許されぬ安全神話の復活

Japan should become a society that is not dependent on nuclear power generation as quickly as possible.

Five years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated wide areas in the northeastern Tohoku region on March 11, 2011, triggering the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Our editorials will continue arguing for a nuclear-free future for Japanese society.

The Otsu District Court in Shiga Prefecture on March 9 issued an injunction against the operation of two reactors at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Takahama nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture. The court told the utility to immediately shut down the No. 3 reactor at the plant and keep the No. 4 unit off-line. Both reactors were restarted earlier this year, but a malfunction automatically shut down the No. 4 unit on Feb. 29.

It was the first time for a Japanese court to order a halt to an online nuclear reactor.

The Abe administration can hardly claim that its policy decisions concerning nuclear power generation have been solidly based on lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Rather, the administration has been trying to revive the nuclear power policy that was in place before the disaster and restart as many reactors as possible.

The court decision echoes public anxiety about the government’s move to gradually regain Japan’s nuclear capacity without serious public debate on the issue.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government should sincerely respond to the important social changes caused by the triple meltdown and take steps toward a major shift in energy policy.


As for the Takahama plant, the Fukui District Court issued an injunction against plans to restart the two reactors in April last year.

Although another judge at the district court repealed the injunction eight months later, the fact remains that the judiciary has twice denied the safety of reactors that passed the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s stricter safety standards introduced after the Fukushima disaster.

When the Fukui District Court in April rejected the restarts of the reactors, proponents of nuclear power generation played down the importance of the order, saying it was “an exceptional decision by an exceptional judge.”
After the Otsu District Court’s injunction, however, this argument no longer holds water.

Looking back on the harrowing accident in Fukushima Prefecture, the district court pointed out that a severe nuclear accident could cause environmental destruction beyond national borders. It is hard to assert that efficiency in power generation should be pursued even at the risk of devastating disasters, the court maintained.

The court also contended that the NRA and Kansai Electric have made insufficient efforts to pinpoint the causes of the Fukushima accident.

The NRA’s endorsement of the safety of a reactor cannot be seen as a base for a sense of security within society, the court said.

The court’s decision that meeting the new regulatory standards alone does not necessarily ensure the safety of a reactor has huge implications.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has said the Abe administration remains committed to promoting reactor restarts in line with the NRA’s judgments.

But the administration should carefully consider the significance of the fact that the judiciary has raised fundamental questions about the entire system of post-Fukushima nuclear safety regulation.


An Asahi Shimbun editorial published in July 2011 called for the creation of a society without nuclear power.

While supporting the temporary operation of the minimum number of reactors that are absolutely needed to meet electricity demand, the editorial proposed that nuclear power generation should be phased out in two to three decades by decommissioning dangerous and aging reactors.

In fact, all nuclear reactors in Japan were off-line for about two years and one month over the past five years. No serious power crunches or economic upheavals took place during the period, disproving initial warnings about such possibilities.
The experiences during the period have shown that the number of “absolutely necessary nuclear reactors” is not that many. This lends weight to the argument that strict conditions must be met for restarting a reactor.

A growing number of Japanese are calling for the immediate shutdown of all reactors or a steady reduction in Japan’s dependence on nuclear energy. An Asahi Shimbun public opinion poll in February confirmed this trend; a majority of respondents voiced opposition to reactor restarts.

The Abe administration initially pledged to lower the nation’s dependence on nuclear power over time. But it has gradually ratcheted up its rhetoric in promoting nuclear power generation through remarks that appear designed to create a new “nuclear safety myth.”

In his 2013 speech supporting Tokyo’s bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, Abe told the world that the situation concerning radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima plant was “under control.”

He has also contended in the Diet that the NRA’s new safety standards were “the strictest in the world.”

But the Otsu District Court’s decision adjudged the standards as insufficient for giving the green light to a reactor restart.

In addition, there have been serious concerns about the lack of effective and reliable plans for emergency evacuations during severe nuclear accidents.

The new safety standards do not cover evacuation plans, and the NRA does not examine such plans when it evaluates the safety of a reactor.

In the case of the Takahama plant, a severe nuclear accident would force about 180,000 residents in Fukui, Kyoto and Shiga prefectures to evacuate. But no drill to ascertain the viability of evacuation plans was conducted before the two reactors resumed operations.

The court referred to the government’s “obligation to develop regulatory standards from a broad perspective that also covers the need of evacuation plans.” The government should immediately respond to this proposition.


Despite the enormous scale of damage caused by the Fukushima accident, the responsibility of those who had championed nuclear power generation has yet to be clarified.

As the Otsu District Court pointed out, the Japanese public who watched the disaster unfold at the Fukushima No. 1 plant understand the “overwhelming scope” of the damages caused by the accident as well as the “great confusion” that arose during the evacuation process.

Yet both the government and electric utilities are working in tandem to restart reactors as if they have forgotten what happened five years ago.

Some revelations have cast serious doubt about utilities’ commitment to learning lessons from the accident and putting the top priority on safety.
Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the stricken Fukushima plant, recently “discovered” a guideline in its operational manual that would have allowed it to announce core meltdowns much earlier than it did.
Kyushu Electric Power Co. has asked for the NRA’s permission to withdraw a plan to build a quake-proof building that can serve as an on-site response center during a severe nuclear accident. The company promised to build the emergency facility at its Sendai nuclear power plant before it restarted two reactors at the plant last year.

These episodes raise suspicions that the utilities are returning to their pre-disaster practice of cunningly using experts to make key decisions about their nuclear power operations within the close-knit pro-nuclear community.

Many issues concerning nuclear power policy are too complicated and arcane for ordinary citizens to easily understand. But the Fukushima nuclear crisis has reminded Japanese that nuclear power generation is an issue that is directly linked to their livelihoods and lifestyle choices.

No matter how hard they try to revive the safety myth about nuclear power, government policymakers and members of the “nuclear village,” the closed and small community of people and organizations with vested interests in promoting nuclear power, will never be able to bring the nation back to the days before the Fukushima disaster.

Nuclear power generation has already become a familiar issue and a matter of serious concern to the great majority of Japanese.
2016/03/11(金) 08:59 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 9
EDITORIAL: Tokyo and Seoul must be faithful to agreement on 'comfort women'
(社説)慰安婦問題 日韓合意を育てるには

In its concluding observations, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on March 7 criticized Japan for failing to "fully adopt a victim-centered approach" over the December 2015 Japan-South Korea agreement on the "comfort women" issue.

The Japanese government reacted with displeasure.
"That's a real shame as it (the panel's reaction) diverges greatly from the reception of the international community," Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida told a news conference on March 8.

But doesn't such a knee-jerk reaction to the CEDAW observations only convey to the people of both Japan and South Korea a message that is incongruous with the spirit of the agreement?

We believe the only reasonable response to the CEDAW observations now is to act faithfully on each clause of the agreement, one by one.

For decades, the comfort women issue plagued both Tokyo and Seoul, and the partners were finally able to reach an agreement at the end of the landmark 50th year of the normalization of their diplomatic ties.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as the leaders of the United States and other countries, hailed the efforts made by Tokyo and Seoul to reach that accord.

However, the contents of the agreement can hardly be said to have been fully appreciated in either country. In fact, there still remain very hard feelings about the agreement in both countries, particularly in South Korea.

Precisely because such is the case, no final resolution to the comfort women issue can be hoped for unless the governments abide by the agreement. And for that, the political leaders of both nations must be firmly resolved to abide by it.

Fortunately, some signs of change have been seen. For example, when a lawmaker of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party called the women "professional prostitutes" after the agreement was signed, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, speaking in the Diet, immediately chastised the offending lawmaker for misrepresenting the spirit of the agreement.

And on the South Korean side, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se made no mention of the comfort women issue when he recently attended a U.N. Human Rights Council session. This was a first since President Park Geun-hye took office in 2013.

It is vital that both Tokyo and Seoul continue making these efforts.

Under the agreement, the Japanese government is to pledge 1 billion yen ($8.8 million) to a fund to be established by the South Korean government for carrying out "projects for recovering the honor and dignity and healing the psychological wounds of all comfort women."

This arrangement partly addresses the CEDAW's reference to Japan's need to "adopt a victim-centered approach."

The agreement also confirms both countries' intention to resolve the comfort women issue "finally and irreversibly."

Both governments must strive to honor this agreement and continue to calmly exchange their views based on objective facts.

To change the international community's perception of the comfort women issue, it is vital that Japan and South Korea work together to act fully and faithfully on the agreement and let it grow strong by deepening their mutual trust.
2016/03/10(木) 09:54 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 7
EDITORIAL: Broadcasters must stand up to LDP pressure
(社説)「停波」発言 放送局の姿勢を見たい

Communications minister Sanae Takaichi has reiterated that she or others in her post could order broadcasters to suspend operations if they repeatedly air politically unfair programs.

Takaichi, who also said some of her predecessors made similar remarks, has ruled out changing her position despite a series of statements by media executives and legal scholars criticizing her assertion.

Takaichi doesn’t understand the spirit of the Broadcast Law.

The principal aim of the law is to secure the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution.

The law’s Article 4, which requires political fairness in broadcasting, should not be used as a legal base to penalize broadcasters with orders to suspend their operations. That’s because there can be no clear definition of the term “political fairness.”

The communications minister, who is a politician, cannot be expected to serve as a good judge of whether a program is politically fair or not.

The current Liberal Democratic Party has taken a series of aggressive actions to meddle in the content of TV programs. The ruling party has made “requests” and conducted “interviews” that could be regarded as attempts to intimidate broadcasters.

Coming from a Cabinet minister of this high-handed governing party, Takaichi’s reference to possibly ordering broadcasters to suspend programs can be taken as an open challenge to the freedom of broadcasting.

What is worrisome is that TV broadcasters could be daunted by her words.

Some employees of TV stations have reportedly said they feel silent pressure from their higher-ups. Others have mentioned growing signs that the people involved in producing TV programs are exercising self-restraint and using their own judgment to avoid provoking controversy.

The people’s right to know, a foundation of democracy, would be seriously undermined if broadcasters conduct docile news reporting out of fear of being labeled “unfair” by the government.

Even if they are undaunted by the government’s threat, TV broadcasters would lose the trust of viewers if they suspect TV programs are made in line with the government’s wishes.

Takaichi’s remarks have effectively aroused such suspicions among the public. The situation is causing heavy losses for society.

Asked about Takaichi’s remarks, the heads of all the national TV networks have stressed that broadcasters are committed to the principle of “independence and autonomy.” They should demonstrate their commitment to the principle through their programs.

Some TV broadcasters have already aired programs that dug into this issue and showed their own positions while providing viewers with information to think about related questions themselves.

But such moves have been limited in scope and show no signs of developing into a major trend.

Many newscasters who have criticized the government will be replaced as part of program changes this spring. This has made Japanese TV viewers attentive to the attitudes of TV broadcasters toward news reporting.

As an important player in journalism, TV stations should do more to communicate their views and opinions directly to viewers.

Article 1 of the Broadcast Law says the law’s purpose is to “ensure that broadcasting will contribute to the sound development of democracy by clarifying the professional responsibilities of those who are involved in broadcasting.”

TV broadcasters have a duty to clearly show how they are trying to fulfill these responsibilities.
2016/03/09(水) 09:30 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)
--The Asahi Shimbun, March 6
EDITORIAL: LDP needs to be serious about narrowing vote-value gap
(社説)衆院制度改革 放置できぬ格差拡大

There must be absolutely no further delay in the long-overdue electoral reform to redress grievous inequalities in representation.
To reduce the glaring disparity in the relative weight of a vote in Lower House single-seat constituencies, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party should respond positively to the major reapportionment and redistricting proposals made by its junior coalition partner, Komeito, and the opposition Democratic Party of Japan.

The 2015 national census has confirmed the worsening of the situation. A vote in the least populous Miyagi No. 5 district is “worth” the value of 2.334 votes in the most populous Tokyo No. 1, according to preliminary figures announced by the internal affairs ministry on Feb. 26.

The maximum gap in vote value narrowed to a ratio of 1.998 to 1 as a result of the changes made in 2013, which reduced the number of single-seat constituencies in five prefectures by one each.
But the latest demographic data have found a vote-value disparity of more than two--the standard of the Supreme Court for ruling “a state of unconstitutionality”--in 37 districts, including 14 in Tokyo, when compared with Miyagi No. 5.

As a formula to allocate Lower House seats to the 47 prefectures, a research council on the electoral system in January recommended the adoption of an apportion method that was proposed by John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States.

Many parties including the DPJ and Komeito have said they will accept the proposal. While the LDP has shown a reluctance to immediately adopt the method, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has promised to “respect” the panel’s recommendations.

The question is when the Adams method should be introduced.

In line with the panel’s proposal, which called for a net reduction of six seats elected in single-seat constituencies, the DPJ has proposed a combination of an increase of seven in the seats allocated to five prefectures and a reduction of one each in 13 prefectures, changes based on the 2010 national census. Komeito argues for an adjustment comprising an increase of nine seats combined with a reduction of 15 based on the 2015 data.

Abe, however, is apparently tilting toward the idea of limiting the immediate changes based on the 2015 census to cut six seats through redistricting within six prefectures. He prefers postponing a major overhaul based on the Adams apportion method until after the full census scheduled for 2020.

Abe claims his position is in line with the council’s recommendations, which said a reapportionment based on the Adams formula should be carried out in response to the findings of full censuses conducted once a decade.

It is true that the panel didn’t propose any specific time frame for the reform. But Abe’s position ignores the reality of serious inequality in the value of votes.

What is important is not to follow the letter of the panel’s recommendations. The crucial issue is how to respond to the calls for substantial electoral reform made by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court declared the past three Lower House elections to have been conducted “in a state of unconstitutionality” because of a sharp vote-value disparity. The court has also urged an early abolition of the method of first distributing one seat to each of the 47 prefectures before allocating the remaining seats.

The LDP’s “zero increase and six reduction” proposal would effectively keep the “one seat to each prefecture first” system intact.

Given that at least one Lower House election will be held by the time of the next national census, Komeito’s argument for introducing the Adams approach immediately by applying it to the newest demographic data is the most reasonable one.

Lower House Speaker Tadamori Oshima, who is serving as a broker in the negotiations over the issue among the parties, has expressed a desire to see the emergence of consensus by the end of this month. Abe should agree to the proposal put forward by Komeito, the LDP’s political ally.

We can understand the argument that slashing the number of seats allocated to sparsely populated areas would make it difficult to incorporate the voices of people in rural areas into the central government’s policies.

But the constitutional imperative of equality in the value of votes should not be obscured by this problem, which should be discussed from a different viewpoint.

The judiciary has ordered that the existing inequality should be redressed as quickly as possible. The legislature has a responsibility to carry out the order.
2016/03/08(火) 12:36 英字新聞 記事URL COM(0)










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05 謝罪の言葉と答え方
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